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Energy Gardens

Back in the spring, I was standing next to an Eastern Red Cedar tree, marveling at its remarkable traits—its strength, its abundance of shelter, its nourishing seeds, and its medicinal properties. At that moment, it occurred to me that, since everything is energy, the tree and I were exchanging energy. Simply being in the presence of medicinal plants felt healing, even without ingesting medicine made from them.

This realization led me down a path in my life that I am so excited to share with you. In truth, it isn’t a new path—just one I’ve sometimes hidden or downplayed for various reasons. Guilt, shame, remorse… My ego and materialism, my desire to fit in, and my fear of being branded a “tree-hugging nutbar” kept me from embracing it fully. Meanwhile, I built up major resentments toward institutions, society, and even strangers for their “obvious” disregard and wastefulness of resources.

Nature has always held my highest regard. To say I have deep reverence for Mother Earth feels inadequate to describe how enamored I am. I am endlessly delighted by the overlap and interconnection within all of creation—from the smallest particles to galaxies and, presumably, entire universes. If we ever step into another universe, I am positive it will be a mathematical and physical sister to the one we know.

The spiral is a pattern that repeats itself across nature, large and small, in ways that are truly mind-boggling. One of the core concepts behind Electroculture is the idea that spirals channel life-giving energy, with larger spirals amplifying this effect. It’s clear that integrating spirals into garden designs can harness this energy. My daughter and I once planted rows of sunflowers, breaking up the rows with spirals of seeds every few feet. To our delight, the germination in the spirals was significantly better than in the rows. Of course, we hoped this would happen, so I’m sure at least ten percent of the result was due to our intention—but it was beautiful nonetheless.

Science continues to reveal how energy patterns in nature are interconnected and how they impact the life force of living beings. Many anti-bullying initiatives, for example, use plants to illustrate how negative energy affects their growth and appearance. You don’t need to be a scientist to recognize that this phenomenon is real.

The Biophilia Hypothesis suggests that humans are naturally drawn to other living things. This instinctual desire to connect with life is deeply embedded in our biology. It stands to reason, then, that to reconnect with our true selves, we must reconnect with nature. Combining gardening and meditation(if that's your thing) with an energetic connection to Mother Earth can enhance the flow of positive vibrations, leading to a deeper and more fulfilling experience.

There is no question that gardening supports emotional balance, health, and overall well-being. Countless studies highlight the benefits of gardening, and it’s widely acknowledged that this activity nourishes the soul.

I can help you learn to integrate the wisdom of Mother Nature, plant energetic fields and sacred geometry into your gardening. Negative emotional states can hinder the free flow of consciousness, block our chakras, and disrupt our life’s purpose, leaving us feeling stuck.

Energy Gardening is about gardening with intention—connecting with the life force of plants and using that energy to enrich your gardening practice while increasing the positive energy that flows from your garden into you. Most important this free flow will bring you into a communion with the plants in which you will intuitively wield the incredible self healing and ecological restoration powers you possess.

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